Phone: (301) 299-8930
Fax: (301) 299-8933
After Hours: (240) 638-9739
grow with us
Bethesda Pediatrics
Contact Us
Office Phone: 301.299.8930
Office Fax: 301.299.8933
Answering Service: 240.638.9739
Please call our main office number for any of your needs. Our main phone menu will help direct you to the appropriate extension. For example:
Press 2 for Appointments and Referrals
Press 3 for the Medication Refill Line
Press 7 for Billing
Each physician has a personal voicemail box for non-urgent messages. Please allow up to 2 business days for return calls. We ask that you leave your name and phone number, your child’s name, and a brief description of the issue so that the doctor may have the chart available before speaking with you. In the main menu you may press 6 for access to voicemail and use the following extensions:
127 for Dr. Monika Walters
128 for Dr. Lourdes Gonzalez
130 for Dr. Jenny Le
138 for Dr. Carl Gatto
139 for Dr. Hilary Light-Deutsch
Please direct comments, concerns, or compliments to our office manager, Jacqueline Arias, at extension 129.
At this time we utilize email communication on a limited basis. Our office email addresses are not monitored by a medical professional. If you wish to schedule, reschedule, or cancel an appointment, or seek medical advice from your doctor, please call our front desk staff at (301) 299-8930.
For billing inquiries:
All other communications:
Mailing address:
11325 Seven Locks Road, Suite 238
Potomac, MD 20854